Bee Antidote to Pesticides Shows Promise
Recent research indicates scientists have discovered an antidote for pesticides harming bees. A study published in Nature Sustainability presents promising early results focused on common eastern bumblebees.
This research holds significant importance, considering bees play a vital role in pollination services for approximately 80% of global crops. Yet, reports state that U.S. honeybee hive losses averaged as high as 44% annually from 2017 to 2020. Numerous studies confirm alarming regional and global declines in wild bee populations.
The proof-of-concept study involves tiny hydrogel microparticles, measuring 5 microns in diameter. These microparticles bind to neonicotinoids, a pesticide class banned in Europe and limited in the U.S. After absorption, both neonicotinoids and microparticles traverse through the digestive tract of the bee and are eventually excreted.
Feeding microparticles in sugar water to bumblebees resulted in a 30% higher survival rate when facing lethal neonicotinoid doses. Moreover, it notably reduced symptoms in those exposed to sub-lethal quantities of the pesticide.
This antidote can potentially be applied selectively to other harmful pesticides, such as the widely used organophosphates.
"Bees are crucial for crop pollination and food security," said Julia Caserto, Ph.D. ’24, the first author of the paper. "It’s important for people to take bee health seriously." She highlighted that while eliminating pesticides is ideal, managing pesticide exposures remains essential for ongoing crop pollination efforts.
Neonicotinoids infiltrate groundwater, leaching into plants and contaminating pollen and nectar. When bees retrieve nectar, they become exposed to these hazardous chemicals, which target insect receptors directly. Additionally, bees inadvertently transport contaminated pollen back to their hives.
Even at sub-lethal levels, neonicotinoids adversely affect bee mitochondria. These organelles are vital for energy production, and such exposure may hinder mobility and flight. Furthermore, these pesticides compromise the immune systems of bees, increasing vulnerability to mites and viruses.
The study notes that bumblebees receiving lethal doses of neonicotinoids had a 30% higher survival rate when fed microparticles compared to those who did not receive treatment. Positive results emerged from sub-lethal doses as well. Microparticle-treated bees demonstrated increased motivation to feed and a 44% increase in their ability to navigate experimental channels. High-speed camera analysis showed significant improvements in wingbeat frequency as well.
Future research might involve examining this treatment on managed honeybees, which differ from bumblebees in size. Pesticides may impact them differently due to this size variation.
Administering the treatment to wild bees poses challenges, as delivering microparticles to these bees could be difficult. However, if successful in managed bees, microparticles could be incorporated into already existing supplements like pollen patties.
Ma, the study's corresponding author, emphasized that this research not only proposes a potential strategy for addressing pesticide problems in managed bees but also highlights the value of interdisciplinary approaches. "Biomaterials can help tackle agricultural and sustainability challenges," he stated.
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