How to descale a kettle: 3 effective tips
Do you know how to quickly descale a kettle? SSPDaily has told you about 3 simple ways to keep your kettle clean and limescale-free.
Vinegar solution
Fill the kettle halfway with vinegar. Let the solution brew for at least an hour to break down limescale and mineral deposits. After steeping, bring the liquid to a boil and cool before rinsing thoroughly. In case of persistent limescale, the process can be repeated until the kettle is completely descaled.
Water with lemon
First, slice a few lemons and put them in the kettle, then cover with water and leave overnight. In the morning, the lemon-water solution should be boiled and poured out, and the kettle should be rinsed well to clean the inside surface from limescale.
Baking soda
Use a solution of baking soda and water to clean the inside of the kettle, focusing on areas with visible limescale. It is recommended to leave the solution on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Regular use of baking soda every few weeks will ensure that the kettle is free of limescale and will also remove any lingering odors or tastes from the water.