How to distinguish natural honey from falsification: 3 useful life hacks
SSPDaily has prepared life hacks on how to choose natural honey. Learn how to distinguish this product from sugar falsification.
Check the texture
Natural honey should have a thick, curd-like consistency and should not easily drip off the spoon. The consistency can be determined by running your finger: it should drip slowly and be sticky, indicating its natural purity.
Conducting a water test
Fill a glass with water and add a tablespoon of honey. If it retains its shape and settles to the bottom, it is most likely pure because the density of natural honey is higher than that of water.
Conducting a burning test
If you dip a match in honey, it will easily ignite the match due to its flammability. If the honey has been mixed with sugar, it may ignite with difficulty or not at all, indicating the presence of impurities.