How to make a good impression during a conversation: 5 useful tips
SSPDaily has prepared tips on how to make a good impression in a conversation. By applying these principles, you can build stronger relationships and improve the quality of communication.
Eye contact
One of the ways to make a positive impression on a person is to maintain eye contact, which demonstrates engagement and interest. A genuine smile helps to create a friendly atmosphere. Avoid distractions such as checking your phone or looking around the room.
Listen actively
Listen actively to make a good impression. Show genuine interest by nodding, using verbal cues and asking questions. This makes it clear that you value what the other person has to say.
Body language
It is very important to demonstrate good body language. Maintain a straight posture to convey confidence and attentiveness. Use open gestures, avoiding fidgeting as this can be perceived as nervousness.
Tone and language
Pay attention to your tone and language. Be clear in your language so that your proposal is understood. Avoid using placeholder words such as "um" or "kind of" to appear more confident and prepared.
Respect and empathy
Treat the other person with respect and compassion. Consider their feelings and opinions, do not interrupt, and be an active listener. Thoughtful responses will help the other person feel valued and leave a positive impression of you.