How to store honey properly: basic tips
Proper storage of honey is important for maintaining its quality and preserving its beneficial properties. It is not enough to simply control the temperature, as there are other factors, such as the place of storage. SSPDaily talked about the key points that every housewife should know to keep honey fresh and tasty.
It is recommended to keep honey in the temperature range from +4 to 20 degrees Celsius. This will help maintain the integrity of the honey and prevent it from stratifying.
If the temperature exceeds 20 degrees, the honey may begin to stratify within one to two months. On the other hand, temperatures higher than 40 degrees cause honey to lose its beneficial properties.
Choosing the right place for storage
When storing honey for a long time, it is important to keep it away from direct sunlight as much as possible. In addition, the place should be cool. A kitchen cupboard may be suitable, but it should be away from the oven or stove.
Consider storing honey in the refrigerator. This will help maintain a consistently low temperature, so it stays fresh and tasty.
Choosing a suitable storage container
First, it's important to choose a tightly sealed container because honey can absorb odors. It is recommended to store honey in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Give preference to thoroughly washed and dried dishes.
Contrary to popular belief, food-grade plastic containers can also be suitable for storing honey. When using plastic, make sure it is specifically designed for food and has the ability to be resealed.
Containers to avoid
Do not store honey in metal containers, especially those made of iron, zinc, lead, or copper. Honey stored in such jars can oxidize, leading to spoilage and potential harm.