How to train your dog to potty outside: 4 effective tips
Potty training can be a complicated and time-consuming process. SSPDaily talked about effective ways to train your pet to potty outside.
Set a specific schedule for going outside and stick to it all the time. Take your dog outside after eating, sleeping, and playing, and reward it with praise or treats for relieving itself outside. Patience is crucial throughout the training process.
Create a special place to go to the bathroom
Choose an appropriate place in or near the yard and take your dog there consistently for bathroom breaks. Using verbal cues can help encourage your dog to behave in the desired way.
Be loyal
Instead of punishing, redirect it to the appropriate place outside and give positive reinforcement for going where it needs to go. Constant praise and encouragement help to reinforce the desired behavior.
Observe your dog's behavior
Watch for signs such as pacing, sniffing, or restlessness that may indicate your dog needs to go to the bathroom. If you notice these signals, take your dog outside to a designated area immediately.