What gives away complex people: 5 signs
Complexes often manifest themselves in those who lack self-confidence. Such people shy away from taking action, improving, and achieving life goals. Although periodic doubts are normal, chronic insecurity indicates underlying problems. SSPDaily talked about the signs that indicate a complex.
Obsessive movements
Constant fidgeting with a pen, twitching limbs, or other similar actions reflect their internal difficulties and fear of negative judgment from others.
Constant doubts
A person struggling with complexes constantly doubts their own words. Instead of giving a precise and direct answer, they tend to respond with "probably," "maybe," or similar vague expressions. Confident people, on the other hand, answer clearly, without ambiguity.
Exaggerating difficulties
Complexed people tend to exaggerate difficulties, often elevating them to an overly significant status. Such individuals claim that only they have the ability to overcome these obstacles, effectively seeking attention and recognition.
Demonstrative behavior
Due to their perceived lack of talent or valuable qualities, people with complexes resort to demonstrative behavior to attract attention. Loudly slamming doors, unreasonable outbursts of anger, and staging insults become mechanisms for drawing attention to themselves.
Unexplained outbursts of anger
Sometimes people who suffer from complex emotions may exhibit sudden bouts of aggression toward others, even for no apparent reason. Such outbursts are defense mechanisms fueled by the fear of being ridiculed, scrutinized, or the subject of gossip if they fail to establish dominance.