Why you shouldn't wipe crumbs off the table with your palm: explanation of the superstition
Throughout the history of mankind, various superstitions and folk beliefs have shaped people's behavior in everyday life. One such belief recommends not sweeping bread crumbs off the table with the palm of your hand. SSPDaily talked about the origin and meaning of this belief, as well as the possible consequences of ignoring it.
The meaning of the sign
This superstition arose when food shortages and hunger were widespread. Bread was a staple, which is reflected even in the saying, "Bread is the head of everything". In those days, people valued every piece of food, including bread crumbs. Prolonged hunger forces people to eat whatever comes to hand, so throwing away bread crumbs seems wasteful and disrespectful.
In addition, society believed in the magical properties of bread and treated it with reverence: they performed rituals and prayers over it, and even offered it as a gift to the gods.
Why you shouldn't wipe the table with your hand
It was believed that those who regularly swept up and threw away bread crumbs would suffer from various misfortunes, including poverty, hunger, betrayal, divorce, loneliness, and illness.
How to properly wipe crumbs off the table
Instead of using your hand or paper, collect the crumbs with a cloth or tissue and then give them to birds or pets.