5 items not to lend to neighbors to avoid trouble
We all try to have strong relationships with our neighbors because they are the people who live nearby and can provide quick help if needed. In addition, they can become good friends to whom you can lend something. SSPDaily has listed the things you shouldn't lend to your neighbors to avoid trouble.
Before parting with money, consider your neighbor's financial stability and your own comfort level. It's better not to give money at certain times, such as in the evening, at night, or before major holidays as it is believed that the process of returning it will be very difficult and time-consuming. In addition, you should not do this during family celebrations or when one of your relatives is traveling.
Sharing food and kitchen utensils is a symbol of goodwill between neighbors. However, for example, offering a stranger the last piece of bread from your home can lead to misunderstandings in family relationships. In addition, by lending salt, you may unintentionally attract negative energy to your home.
Clothes retain the energy of their owner, so you should lend them if you are completely sure of the recipient's intentions only. If this item is very valuable to you, it is better to give it as a gift instead of lending it.
In addition, you can ask to give symbolic money in exchange for the borrowed item as this will help to negate the possible negative impact of this transaction.
It is better not to give these items to strangers because such actions can disrupt the flow of positive energy in your home. If someone asks to borrow your dishes, politely refuse or offer another option, such as selling them for a reasonable price.
It is believed that a broom is associated with cleansing negativity in the home, so it carries powerful energy. Ancient beliefs warn against borrowing brooms as it may make the house vulnerable and unprotected.