Foods you should not give to your dog: consider the characteristics of the breed
Many owners of tiny breeds and large companions boast that their dogs can eat anything. However, this seemingly adorable habit can be more dangerous than wonderful. SSPDaily has told you how to feed your pets properly to keep them active and healthy.
Fatty meat and sausages
Some types of meat are not suitable for dogs, such as fatty cuts and processed sausages. You can only give some lean meats in moderation, such as beef, veal, and offal such as liver, tongue, heart, beef udder, and ears. Pork is too fatty, and processed meat products often contain additives, spices, and preservatives that can cause allergic reactions in your dogs. Remember that chicken meat can also cause allergies.
Fried foods
Fried meat and other types of fried foods should be kept away from dogs as much as possible as they can cause gastrointestinal upset and even pancreatitis.
Some fruits and vegetables
Dogs have sensitive stomachs that are vulnerable to the acidity contained in citrus fruits. In addition, you should not give your dog grapes as they can cause increased gas and gastrointestinal problems.
However, there are many fruits and vegetables that are safe and even healthy for four-legged friends. In moderation, you can add carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, and cucumbers that grow in our latitudes to the diet. Pumpkin and beets should be consumed only in boiled or stewed form, and fresh vegetables should be finely chopped or grated. Potatoes should be avoided completely.
Porridge, cheese, and eggs
Our furry friends can be given some types of human food, including cereals, cheese, and eggs. Suitable cereals include buckwheat (soaked overnight, not cooked), oatmeal, and rice (given periodically to avoid constipation, similar to barley porridge). However, wheat, pearl barley, semolina, corn, and legumes should be excluded from the dog's diet.
Soup and borscht
Although rare portions of soup or borscht will not harm your dog, you should remember that your pet has a delicate digestive system. Therefore, avoid combining a large number of different ingredients in one dish. Prefer simple combinations such as porridge with meat, porridge with vegetables, or cottage cheese with eggs.
Forbidden treats
To keep your dog healthy, you should avoid some of their favorite foods. For example, sweets, especially chocolate, spicy and salty foods, bread, and nuts. These foods can cause an upset stomach.
Chicken drumsticks
Never give your dog chicken drumsticks. When gnawing on the tubular bones, sharp fragments that are not fully digested and can damage the animal's internal organs, leading to bleeding or even more serious consequences. The cartilage removed from chicken bones is quite healthy, so you can safely give it to your pet.