Geomagnetic Activity Forecast for September 10, 2024
On September 10, 2024, the geomagnetic activity is classified as quiet with a K-Index of 3, which indicates minimal disturbances in Earth's magnetic field, according to NOAA. This calm condition is characterized by low solar wind and cosmic rays influence, resulting in fewer technological disruptions and stable natural phenomena. Weather-sensitive individuals, such as those with specific health conditions or mood fluctuations, may experience neutral to mildly positive effects, potentially leading to reduced headaches, fatigue, better sleep quality, and overall well-being. While this calm geomagnetic activity generally benefits well-being, it's important to recognize that individual responses can vary. Such individuals should stay tuned to their physical states and adopt personalized strategies for managing potential health and mood fluctuations, regardless of geomagnetic conditions.
However, geomagnetic conditions may soon change owing to CME influences stemming from a filament eruption that took place early on September 8. These effects are expected to reach Earth by midday on September 10 (UTC), potentially provoking moderate geomagnetic storming. Should these storming effects extend into September 11 (UTC), they are predicted to diminish to minor levels, indicating a likely but brief period of moderate geomagnetic disturbances following the initial calm.
Earlier, SSP published the analysis of space weather activity.