Have you decided to keep an aquarium? 5 common mistakes to avoid
Keeping an aquarium with beautiful fish at home is fun, interesting and useful. Firstly, it is educational, and secondly, aquariums fit perfectly into the interior and decorate the house.
"However," writes News Bytes, "in the process of arranging them, their owners often make serious mistakes, which has a bad effect on the condition of the fish. Here are 5 of the most common ones."
You bought an aquarium that is too small
Regardless of the number of fish and their size, a small aquarium is always worse than a large one because it limits the space for its inhabitants to move around. As a result, it has a detrimental effect on fish health and life expectancy.
You rarely change the water
Changing the water regularly is a must for aquarium maintenance, as it maintains the balance of nutrients and removes toxins.
Even if your aquarium looks clean, it still contains small food particles and algae particles that decompose and infect the fish.
Tip: Change the water by 25% every 2-4 weeks.
You feed the fish too often
Overfeeding is another common mistake among beginner aquarists. The consequences of this are not noticeable at first, but then the fish begin to get sick en masse.
As a rule, fish in an aquarium are fed daily, and this food should be eaten within two minutes. If there is too much food, its remains pollute the water and increase the level of nitrates and ammonia.
Your aquarium is constantly lit
Fish also need to rest. If you leave the lights on for too long, it will cause them stress, which will negatively affect their health. In addition, an excessive amount of light will lead to overly active algae growth.
The best way to avoid this is to set a timer on the light so that it turns on and off at a specific time.
Your aquarium is overcrowded
One of the most common mistakes beginner aquarists make is overcrowding their aquariums.
Regardless of the size, every aquarium has a limited amount of space for fish. On average, each individual, depending on its size, should have from 1.5 to 3 liters of water. In addition, you should keep in mind that fish grow. And if they are too crowded, they will become aggressive, which, of course, should be avoided.