When you come back from vacation, one of the first things you think about is resuming your gym routine. Usually, people want to get rid of the extra pounds and laziness that they accumulated during their vacation.
To help people get back to normal in the right way, Abi Roberts, sports nutrition specialist at Bulk.com, shared her top tips for getting fit after a vacation, the Daily Star reports.
Don't skip stretching
Stretching before your workout prepares your muscles for activity by increasing blood flow and improving your range of motion.
Start slowly, then gradually increase the intensity over time
It is not recommended to return to your normal intensity immediately after a break.
Instead, start slowly. As a general rule of thumb, those who choose cardio should exercise at about 75% of their normal pace in the first few days back at the gym.
Resume your eating and sleeping habits
During your vacation, your sleeping patterns probably changed and you may have allowed yourself more flexibility in your diet.
When you return from your break, it's important to resume your normal sleeping patterns and diet, as these factors will help you recover from your workouts and give you energy.
Muscle recovery
You've probably heard experts talk about the importance of rest days for muscle recovery.
During training, muscle fibers are damaged, and it's the time away from the gym that our muscles need to recover and grow.
In fact, it can take two to three days to recover from an intense workout.
New ways to stay in shape
Vacations can be a good time to explore ways to work out that are different from your normal routine.
Activities such as swimming or hiking can be a good alternative to your regular workout routine.