Poverty attracts: why you shouldn't keep empty cans at home
Every household uses different containers daily, including ordinary cans. However, after their contents are exhausted, these empty vessels often remain idle. Beliefs, in turn, do not advise storing empty cans. SSPDaily explains why you shouldn't.
Signs and beliefs
It is believed that empty containers are associated with negative energy. Keeping them in plain sight, for example, on the table, can lead to poverty, and the owner's life will be empty.
To avoid this, designate a proper storage area for them, such as a garage or pantry. The living space, especially the living room, should be free of these items.
If you have nowhere to move the jars, simply fill them with a single coin, a small amount of cereal, or even a bay leaf. They should be covered or turned upside down. It is believed that this practice will protect your home from negative energy and potential financial difficulties
When you see a cracked or damaged jar, throw it away. It is believed that these defective vessels attract bad luck and disputes to the house. The greater the number of such items, the more intense the unhealthy atmosphere, which leads to an increased likelihood of conflict.
And vice versa, beliefs say that if a jar breaks, it means a new purchase for the house. If it happened on a Sunday, expect a profit or unexpected income. If several jars broke by accident, debts may arise.