What banknotes attract wealth: features of the serial number and letter combination
Did you know that the banknotes we carry in our wallets can affect our financial situation? According to esoteric beliefs, the serial numbers on banknotes contain a mysterious financial code that enhances prosperity in the field of money. SSPDaily tells you more about how to get rich quickly.
Luck numbers
Any banknote can become a lucky talisman if you carefully study its serial number and letter combination. First, it is useful to identify a banknote whose series matches your own initials. For example, if your name is Maria Kovalenko, then your personal money talisman is a banknote with the letter series "MK".
Esotericists claim that the number 8 has a unique ability to attract wealth. Therefore, banknotes with serial numbers in which the number 8 appears several times are considered powerful financial talismans. The luckiest banknote has at least four eights repeated in a row.
Individual features
In addition, if the banknote series coincides with the numbers of your birthday, it is also a special personal talisman for you. It is important to understand that these lucky banknotes are not meant to be spent, but rather should be kept in your wallet at all times.