What do dreams about deceased relatives and loved ones mean
Dreams involving deceased relatives or friends are not uncommon. In these dreams, our deceased loved ones can provide valuable clues or messages that may have meaning in our waking lives.
A pleasant dream about the deceased
When we experience positive emotions after seeing a deceased relative in a dream, it is believed that this signifies their watchful presence and guidance in our lives. Instead of focusing on grief, it is recommended to offer prayers on their behalf, recognizing them as our spiritual guardians.
Unfinished business of the dead
Sometimes the soul of a deceased person may be restless in the afterlife due to unfinished business on earth. It is crucial to consider any unresolved matters that might be causing their dissatisfaction and try to address or complete these issues on their behalf.
Requests from the deceased
If a loved one has recently passed away, material requests in a dream may indicate their desire for physical offerings, such as taking something to the grave. However, if a year or more has passed since the death, their soul may be stuck in parallel worlds. In such cases, seeking help from a priest or spiritual advisor can be beneficial.
Transferring information or providing guidance
Dreams in which deceased relatives attempt to pass on information or offer guidance should be appreciated and remembered. Such dreams may contain hints or insights into upcoming changes or events, and it is important to decipher these messages with the support of our family and loved ones.