What does a dog howling mean and why should a cat be the first to come into the house: signs about cats and dogs
Що означає виття собаки та навіщо кішці першою приходити в оселю. Source: www.comfortzone.com
Cats and dogs have long been closely intertwined with human culture, giving rise to many strange superstitions. While some of these beliefs have disappeared over time, others continue to arouse debate and curiosity. SSPDaily told about the most interesting ones.
The most common signs about cats
- Cats are often associated with supernatural abilities. It is said that they once ruled the ancient Egyptians or came from distant planets.
- When moving to a new house, it is very important that the cat is the first to enter the home. It is believed that this act burdens the animal with any negativity or ill will intended for the residents, thereby clearing the living space.
- A black cat running across the road causes some fear, while a white cat is considered a symbol of good luck.
- Another common legend claims that cats have nine lives, which is confirmed by their extraordinary agility when falling, fighting predators, and even using herbs for self-medication.
The most common signs about dogs
- It is believed that dog howls are an ominous sign that portends misfortune or the death of a family member. Dogs owe their apparent supernatural abilities to their keen senses, including exceptional hearing and a keen sense of smell.
- In addition, dogs often demonstrate extraordinary sensitivity to their owners, acting as perceptive "psychologists" who can detect and respond to even subtle changes in human behavior.