What things you shouldn't keep at home: 4 items that attract negativity
Creating a harmonious and positive energy in our homes is crucial to our overall well-being. Many believe that certain things carry negative energy, affecting our mood and overall aura. SSPDaily talked about 4 categories of items that should be removed from your home long ago.
Broken dishes and cracked mirrors
Items with cracks, such as cups, plates, or mirrors, act as negative omens and can pose a risk of injury. Throw them away immediately to eliminate the negative energy associated with them.
Stuffed animals
Esotericists claim that stuffed animals can attract negative vibrations. Therefore, remove them from your home for a more positive and balanced atmosphere.
Junk and clutter
Regularly sort through your wardrobe and throw away anything you don't need from your home. These things clutter up the space, making it seem overcrowded and less inviting. By freeing up your living area, you create space for the free flow of positive energy.
Items that evoke unpleasant memories
Do not keep things that cause negative emotions or irritation. By getting rid of them, you will create a space filled with positive emotions and peace of mind.