Why a man should sleep on his wife's left, not vice versa: a surprising tradition revealed
Married life has long been shrouded in mystery, and the delicate balance of relationships is based on many little-known customs and traditions. SSPDaily tells about one of these beliefs concerning the positioning of spouses during sleep and its impact on family happiness and well-being.
Among Slavic cultures, there was an interesting rule - it is desirable for a wife to sleep on the right side of her husband. This arrangement suggested that she could find trust and comfort in her faithful partner, who would occupy the left side. This age-old tradition even gave rise to the expression "right hand" to refer to people who are considered steadfast and reliable in their commitments.
In ancient Slavic society, the right hand had a deep symbolic meaning, representing openness and truthfulness. To this day, when taking an oath, the right hand is placed on the Bible, indicating the seriousness of the promise. People usually extend their right hand in greeting to demonstrate goodwill and sincere intentions.
The left hand, on the other hand, represents the concept of cunning and deception. That is why men traditionally slept on their left side to protect themselves from alleged infidelity on the part of their wives.
Moreover, according to the principles of Feng Shui, a woman is recommended to sleep on her husband's right side. This position is associated with a special feminine energy that thrives in this arrangement. Conversely, it is believed that the left side suppresses this energy and prevents its positive influence.
In regions such as China and Japan, it was even believed that if a wife sleeps on her husband's left side, it can interfere with her ability to conceive and bear a child.