Why you shouldn't give away empty dishes: explanation of a popular superstition
In different cultures around the world, it is common practice for friends, relatives, or neighbors to borrow and return dishes and other kitchen utensils after using them for special events or treating guests. However, there is an interesting superstition that warns against giving away empty containers, plates, cups, and other kitchen utensils. SSPDaily tells about it
Empty dishes: Superstition
According to superstition, you should never return empty dishes to their owners. There are several notable consequences that believers associate with this practice:
1. Filling:
One of the common beliefs is that when you return borrowed dishes, you must put something inside. This "something" can range from a few candies or cookies to other small treats. It is believed that this act symbolizes generosity and gratitude, ensuring good luck for both the giver and the receiver.
2. Avoid empty storage:
Even if you don't intend to return borrowed items, such as bottles, keeping them empty can also bring negative energy into your home. Superstition advises against keeping empty dishes, as they are believed to bring bad luck to the inhabitants of the house. Therefore, it is recommended to get rid of such containers.
An empty cup is an interesting gift
In some cultures, an empty cup received as a gift is considered "bad manners" or a bad omen. This superstition is especially relevant for single people who are looking to establish a personal life.
An empty cup symbolizes emptiness in life, including loneliness or unfulfilled desires. Receiving such a gift can lead to difficulties in finding love or happiness. To counteract this superstition, there are ways to negate the potential negative consequences:
If you receive an empty cup as a gift, it is recommended to put something in it before using it. It can be just a few coins or a small treat, such as a tea or coffee bag. In this way, you will turn an empty cup into a symbol of prosperity and good luck.