Why you shouldn't leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight: an explanation of the sign
Since childhood, we have known that we should not leave dirty dishes in the sink. In addition to the practical aspects of hygiene and cleanliness associated with this habit, there is a broader belief that explains it. SSPDaily told about it in more detail.
Features of the signs
According to the wisdom of the ancestors, if you do not wash dirty dishes in time, it will lead to disharmony, quarrels between family members, and even financial difficulties.
The type of dishes matters
From an esoteric point of view, the symbolic meaning of this sign may vary depending on the type of dishes that were left unwashed.
For example, spoons and forks left unwashed promote the spread of harmful rumors or negative conversations. Dirty cups, glasses, or other drinking containers portend feelings of sadness, longing, and potential illness for those in the environment. Unwashed plates are a sign of conflict and even betrayal in relationships.