Why you shouldn't put your keys on the table: explanation of a popular superstition
Throughout history, keys have been important and surrounded by various signs and beliefs. One of the most famous superstitions advises against putting keys on the table, as it is believed to bring bad luck or financial difficulties. Let's delve into the origins of this superstition and learn how to follow it.
In ancient times, the table was highly revered as a sacred space where offerings were made to the gods and ancestors. It symbolized prosperity, blessings, and protection. To preserve the sanctity of the table, it was important to keep it clean and free of anything that was considered unclean or disrespectful.
Keys, on the other hand, were powerful symbols of mystery, fate, and access. They gave access to locked rooms or treasures and could even serve as protective amulets against misfortune. Some keys were dedicated to certain deities or shrines, which further emphasized their significance.
Putting the keys on the table was considered a serious violation, a break in the connection with the higher powers, which could potentially lead to a loss of power, secrets, or bring negative energy and misfortune. This act was especially frowned upon during meals, as it disturbed harmony and caused undesirable consequences.
Nowadays, many people still adhere to this superstition, offering different explanations for their belief:
1. Hygiene: Keys can be dirty or rusty, which creates a risk of damaging the table or transferring bacteria and germs.
2. Energy transfer: Keys can carry negative energy from different places or people, which can affect the atmosphere in the house or the well-being of the owners.
3. Work-life balance: Keys are often associated with work or other activities that should be separated from the home environment. Placing keys on the table can symbolize the lack of boundaries between personal and professional life.
4. Symbolism of wealth: Keys represent access to valuables and can be seen as symbols of money or wealth. Placing keys on a table can be interpreted as a sign of wastefulness, irresponsibility, or ingratitude.
To honor this superstition and avoid its potential negative consequences, follow these guidelines:
1. Never leave your keys on the table - at home, at work, or when visiting. Have a special place for them, such as a wall hook, a box on your nightstand, or a pocket in your bag.
2. Clean and disinfect your keys regularly, using alcohol or soapy water to maintain hygiene.
3. Fill your keys with positive energy by keeping them near amulets, crystals, or flowers.
4. Be vigilant and do not forget about your keys so that you do not lose them, forget them, or lend them to strangers.