5 factual tips on how to properly care for pet rabbits
After dogs and cats, rabbits are probably the most popular pets. Many families get these cute little animals, but unfortunately, they often do so impulsively, without first learning how to properly care for them.
"As a result," writes News Bytes, "such unfortunate owners have the most unexpected problems, and the animals suffer because of it. Therefore, if you decide that you really need rabbits (one or more), here's what you should know about them."
Organize the place
Rabbits love space. They will not be happy and healthy if they are kept in a tiny cage. So buy your rabbit a spacious enclosure that matches its size.
Alternative options are a shed or a large children's playhouse connected to the enclosure.
Keep an eye on the temperature
Rabbits' thick fur is most suitable for low temperatures, and this should be kept in mind. Accordingly, the ideal option for keeping rabbits is the lower floors of the house, which guarantees them coolness.
Remember that heat is detrimental to these animals, as they are at risk of heat stroke.
Provide your rabbit with fresh hay and greens
Hay makes up the majority of rabbits' diet, and they should have constant access to it.
Natural fruits and vegetables are also an essential part of their diet. As for ready-made food substitutes for these products from pet stores, they are expensive and not as useful.
As a supplement, it is also recommended to give fiber-rich pellets and, of course, fresh water, which should be changed regularly.
Install a litter box
Rabbits by nature prefer to defecate in one place. Use this to your advantage by installing a medium-sized cat litter box or shallow storage container, close to the food/water bowls and hay feeder.
In addition, make sure they get enough exercise daily to maintain their health. Rabbits should be let out of their enclosures so they can run and jump freely for several hours.
Keep an eye on hygiene
Rabbits are naturally clean creatures and wash themselves frequently. However, this does not negate your responsibility to care for them.
For example, they shed several times a year, so rabbits need to be combed and stripped of loose hair. If this is not done on time, the animal can eat it and get serious intestinal problems.
It is also recommended to trim rabbits' claws regularly.