How to live happily: 7 tips from the seer Vanga
Vanga, a famous healer of her time, knew many secrets of happiness, well-being, and prosperity. She shared her wisdom with those who were looking for guidance in life. SSPDaily told about 7 valuable tips that stand out from all her teachings.
Ritual of slippers and right foot
In the evening, Wang advised placing your slippers neatly by the bed instead of leaving them scattered around the room. In the morning, when you wake up, start putting on your shoes with your right foot. It is believed that this simple action invites happiness into the house and brings inner peace. In addition, walking barefoot around the house or on the ground can also rejuvenate your energy, enhancing mental acuity and physical vitality.
Keep the kitchen tidy
Keep your kitchen tidy and clean. Do not leave crumbs, dirty cutlery, or food scraps on the table. Wang warned that neglecting cleanliness can attract trouble into your life, which will hinder financial success.
Ward off evil with elderberry branches
Elderberry branches hung over the front door are believed to ward off negative influences and protect the house from harm. This practice may seem strange, but even famous politicians have followed this advice from Wang, believing that it brings them good luck and success.
Respect your money
According to Wang, it is important to treat your money with respect. Keep it in a wallet, don't crumple or throw coins and banknotes. In addition, bills should not be burned.
Blessings of the new moon
Wang recommended doing important tasks, such as general cleaning or redesigning your living space during the new moon phase. It is said that during this period there is favorable energy that can bring good luck and peace, which minimizes the chances of facing unhappiness and grief.
Throw away broken things
Do not accumulate broken or damaged items in your living space. Even if they are just cracked, Wang suggested parting with them. She believed that the accumulation of damaged items can lead to further deterioration in various aspects of life, including health, relationships, and work.
Silver coins as amulets
To keep happiness in your home, place three silver coins - antique, foreign, or just unusual - in an inconspicuous place. They will serve as talismans that will protect your home from negative influences. Be vigilant that they are not accidentally taken by others, as it is believed that their protective power is most effective when kept hidden.