How to avoid extra costs in the store: 3 effective tips
Have you ever gone to the store intending to buy only bread and come back with two bags of groceries and a sense of disappointment because of unexpected expenses? Sounds like you need to master the art of smart shopping. To help you with this, SSPDaily has prepared some practical tips that will help you make wise decisions.
Make a shopping list
Every time you head to the store, take a moment to make a shopping list. This not only ensures that you don't forget basic food, hygiene products, and other essentials, but also teaches you not to buy unnecessary items. Planning allows you to focus solely on what you really need.
Go shopping on a full stomach
When your brain detects appetizing foods, you subconsciously tend to buy them. Therefore, it is better not to visit the supermarket during your lunch break or when you are hungry. Instead, plan your trips when your stomach is full or buy food in advance for future meals.
Tricky marketing tactics
Marketers who use this tactic usually place the most expensive products on supermarket shelves at eye level. Conversely, products that are nearing the end of their shelf life and need to be sold urgently often occupy the lower shelves.
So don't forget to take a closer look at the top and bottom sections of the shelves. This way, you may come across promotional offers, affordable options, and the freshest products that often go unnoticed by many customers.