How to properly care for a Christmas tree in winter: tips to keep the plant blooming until spring
Do you know how to care for the Decembrist in winter? SSPDaily has collected tips that will help your plant bloom continuously from January to March without rotting or dehydration.
Establishing a suitable watering regime
As a member of the cactus family, this plant thrives in dry climates and does not tolerate excessive moisture in the roots. Although the Decembrist can tolerate occasional liquid watering, it is important to be careful.
The Decembrist itself gives signals indicating the need for water. Dry soil is a clear indicator for watering. When a hardened crust appears on the surface, at a depth of about 4 cm, at the budding stage, it is time to give the plant a moderate amount of water.
The emergence of aerial roots
These are additional roots that the Decembrist develops to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. In addition, if you notice that the leaves are becoming pale and lethargic, this is an indicator that the plant is thirsty.
It is important to note, however, that watering alone may not be enough if the plant is already experiencing dehydration. It is recommended to give water in small doses divided into two days, for a total of about six servings. Do not water the soil with a large amount of water at one time, as the Decembrist may not have time to absorb it effectively, which will lead to rotting.
Use rainwater
The best option for watering is to use collected rainwater, which does not have the harmful effects of lime and chlorine, which are usually found in tap water and negatively affect the flowering and growth of the plant.
For watering the soil, it is ideal to use water that has been settled for several weeks. Make sure that the water is not cold, as this can lead to root rot. The optimum temperature for watering should be at least +23 °C.
It is important to monitor the level of accumulated liquid in the container, not allowing the recommended level to be exceeded and not allowing the soil to be constantly wet. Decembrist needs watering about once every week and a half.