Money sticks to them: male names that attract success and wealth

There are men who always find themselves in the right place at the right time, who are lucky in every endeavor, and who are always in the money. But what if it's the name? Yes, every name has its own energy and carries a certain code. Among others, there are those whose owners are always lucky.
Read on to find out which men are attracted to success and money, and what name to choose for a boy to ensure a successful future.
What male names attractmoney Volodymyr
This ancient name was originally pagan. It was added to the list of Christian names for a reason - it refers to the baptizer of Kievan Rus, Prince Volodymyr, who was declared a saint by the church. Therefore, it is endowed with a special powerful energy that will help a man attract almost anything he wants.
It is translated from the Old Slavonic language as "lord of the world". The owners of these names are usually determined and calm men. They are not afraid of difficult situations and are always ready to find a way out of the deepest crisis. Also, men with this name have such a unique ability as making unmistakable decisions. Volodymyrs often become leaders and hold managerial positions.
This name came to us from Byzantium and quickly became one of the most popular. It is no coincidence that the name Victor means "winner". They also say about such people: "Born in a shirt". Despite their hot temper and desire to get their way, these men are always sensitive, patient, and empathetic.
Men named with this name are also associated with the "phoenix" - a bird that always rises from the ashes. Such a person will not be hindered by the vicissitudes of fate or any other difficulties.
The name Oleksandr is of Old Highlander origin and means "protector". From a young age, men with this name show outstanding leadership qualities. Among their main skills is the ability to persuade. Oleksandr are also excellent speakers who make people listen and follow them. All these talents help the owners of the Greek name to become successful in any field they undertake.
For these men, work is perhaps the most important thing in life. They are diligent in fulfilling their duties. At the same time, Oleksandr's also do not forget about family and family comfort.
This is an ancient Hebrew name that means "gift of God" or "pardoned by God". It is not surprising that the owners of this name are accompanied by a guardian angel throughout their lives.
Such men are usually honest and consistent in their dealings. Prudence helps Ivan to make the right decisions in life that lead to happiness, family comfort, and wealth. As for the latter, men bearing this name can reach the highest heights in life.
"The victor of nations" - this is what they say about the ancient Greek name Nicholas, which is Mykola in Ukrainian. They are characterized by endurance and self-control. Steadfastness in thoughts, and later in actions, help them become successful people in business and beyond.
Male names for successful people: a list
However, the above names are not a complete list of those doomed to wealth and money. If you want to give your child a ticket to a happy and successful future, feel free to name your babies the following names as well:
- Boris
- Oleksiy
- Roman
He is persistent in his thirst for knowledge. From a young age, the boy takes his assignments very seriously. If he promised to do something, he will definitely do his best.
- Kyrylo
- Konstantin
- Dmytro
The name Dmytro has an ancient Greek origin. The pantheon of ancient Greece included the earth goddess Demeter, one of the most powerful in the hierarchy of deities. The word "Dmytro" means "under the protection of Demeter".
- Serhiy
- Ruslan
- Artem
- Ihor
Depending on the influence of the environment on him, Ihor's self-love can be both a driving force and a destructive component of his personality.