Spring has sprung, which means it's time to talk about garden care. This is the time when insect pests and other pathogens become more active. The most obvious and, in many respects, the best way to combat this scourge is to systematically spray your garden. SSPDaily prepared step by step instruction.
You should start pest control as soon as the weather warms up, so that you can achieve the greatest efficiency and ensure that your garden is pest-free.
Since your first spray is the most important, you need to pay special attention to it. You should make your first spray when the first buds appear, when the daytime temperature has not risen above 4°C. You can use products of strong concentration, because the trees do not yet have leaves, and the bark reliably protects the tree from harmful effects. At the same time, you should still take into account the condition of each plant separately: if one is still "sleeping," the other may have already "woken up" by this time.
For the first spraying, you can use a dissolved mixture of lime and copper sulfate - the so-called Bordeaux liquid. This mixture will help protect your trees from fungal infections. It is not difficult to make at home and is easy to find in the store. We advise you to choose a 3% solution - this is the optimal concentration for the first treatment.
An alternative to Bordeaux liquid is an iron sulfate solution. The concentration of the solution should be selected depending on the severity of the tree infestation. If the tree does not yet show severe consequences of the infection, 300 g of iron sulfate per 10 liters of water is enough. If the tree clearly looks infected, mix 500 g with the same amount of water. In case of severe damage, add the full 700 g. Such a concentrated solution is called urea and is particularly effective. If you wish, you can add 50 g of copper sulfate - this will protect the flowers from late frosts by delaying the appearance of buds. In addition, such a mixture with copper sulfate will provide the tree with the necessary amount of nitrogen that trees need in the spring.
During the growing season, you should choose the right product - it should be effective even at low temperatures in early spring, and preferably safe for humans. There is a wide range of products on the market, both for pests (such as "Preparat 30-v") and diseases.
When the plant buds start to grow and resemble cones, you should know that this is a sign to start spraying your plants for the second time. The second treatment should be done taking into account the individual development of each plant, because even now they "mature" unevenly. If possible, try to arrange with your neighbors to treat your gardens at the same time - this will increase the effectiveness of the measures. If you use Bordeaux liquid, it is worth reducing the concentration of the solution to 1%, because the buds are vulnerable to high concentration preparations.
For the second treatment, it will be appropriate to mix different preparations - for pest control and disease control. We recommend using modern products for this purpose, because progress does not stand still. When choosing the ingredients for the solution, you should carefully read the instructions and pay attention to whether the substances are suitable for mixing and using at different temperatures. This approach will allow you to perform one comprehensive treatment instead of several specialized ones.
Amixture of different preparations will be appropriate for the next treatment, which is carried out with the appearance of flower buds, even before they open. For the first, second and third treatments, try to use different active ingredients so that pests and diseases do not develop addictive behaviors - read the label carefully. If possible, use substances that are not harmful to pollinating insects.
Don't forget to treat the garden again, using a mixture of products - this way you will consolidate the result and protect yourself from pests and diseases. The main thing is to spray on time, focusing on weather conditions and the developmental stages of each particular plant. Pay attention to the fact that the plant is completely treated from top to bottom. It will not be superfluous to treat the area around the tree trunk with the solution. Do not spare the solution - even a small gap in your treatment can negate all measures.