Why you shouldn't wash the floor after guests: superstition features
In almost every home, guests are welcomed with open arms. The hosts try to create the best possible atmosphere. That is why there are many superstitions about the rules of good hospitality. SSPDaily explains why it is not recommended to sweep or wash the floor immediately after you have said goodbye to your guests.
Peculiarities of the belief
In different cultures, there is a widespread belief that hastily cleaning the house after guests leave can inadvertently bring bad luck. The act of cleaning metaphorically erases the memory of the person who was there. Therefore, if they are still on the road when you start cleaning, it is believed that this can lead to unfortunate events during their journey.
However, this tradition is not a general rule. The waiting period varies depending on the relationship between hosts and guests. For example, if you have relatives visiting you, according to certain beliefs, you should not clean your home for three days. Such actions are considered a sign of respect for their long presence.
Beliefs related to marriage
If there were potential matchmakers among your guests, it is recommended to refrain from thorough cleaning, especially with water. It is believed that this can "wash away" the prospects of the planned wedding. Such actions will break the thin woven threads of fate.
Purification by cleaning
Conversely, there are times when cleaning is necessary. For example, when someone has entered your home uninvited, leaving behind a trail of negative energy. So, by cleaning, you will dispel all the unwanted aura and restore the harmonious balance of the environment.