Here is Why Jeff Buckley's Mother Was Against Brad Pitt Taking Up Leading Role in the Musician's Biopic

Brad Pitt, Hollywood's prominent actor, once contemplated portraying Jeff Buckley, a remarkably talented musician who died in 1997 at 30, in a biopic film. Following his 2000 wedding to Jennifer Aniston, Pitt sought permission from Buckley's mother, Mary Guibert, which she initially granted due to his outstanding reputation; she exclaimed, "If there’s 20 people calling you, and Brad Pitt is one of them, who are you gonna pick to go see?" Despite her agreement, doubts surfaced regarding the film's authenticity, pondering if dying his hair and creating an impressive illusion of Jeff Buckley's voice would suffice for true justice. This is prepared by SSP.

Eventually, Guibert decided against the biopic, favoring a documentary, It’s Never Over, Jeff Buckley, to sincerely honor her son, who left an indelible mark with his rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" and his highly regarded 1994 album, Grace. Pitt, invested in the authenticity and emotional depth of the project, transitioned his support to the documentary, aiding in conserving Buckley’s possessions through digital means.
Director Amy Berg, known for her work on West of Memphis, also participated, completely aligning with Guibert's documentary vision. She articulated that deeply personal encounters, including voicemails, demos, and journals, solidified her documentary approach, explaining her inability to fully capture Jeff Buckley's essence within the constraints of scripted storytelling.
The documentary also intends to clarify lingering misconceptions about Buckley's death, chiefly that he overdosed when, indeed, his untimely end was due to drowning in a Memphis river. Echoing Guibert and Berg’s sentiments, Buckley’s influence seems eternal. "One of the great things about Jeff Buckley is you discover him when you’re meant to," Berg shared, emphasizing his surprising cultural resurgence, especially evidenced by current engagements on TikTok, placing even above Bob Dylan in hashtag followers. The documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 24.
Earlier, SSP wrote that Calvin Jones, former Super Bowl champion, has died at 54 due to suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.