How to be healthy, rich and happy: 9 good habits that will dramatically change your life
Everyone wants to have more money, harmonious sexual relationships, and live happily ever after. In reality, however, people suffer from depression, loneliness, lack of material possessions, and unfulfilled potential.
Your Tango writes: "How do you go from being an insecure and complex subject to an energetic, happy and financially successful person with a deep sense of community and social support? Psychologists say that everything is decided by a dozen rules that affect most of our lives.
Integrating them is like tipping over dominoes in a series of similar ones. You take the first step, and this simple action will have a positive cascading effect on the rest of your life as an added bonus. This was reported by SSPDaily.
Here are 9 habits that dramatically improve our health, wealth, and relationships.
Go to bed at the right time, in the right place
Go to bed at the same time in a cool, quiet, and dark room, ideally a few hours before midnight.
Sleep is a basic need for the body to function properly. And if you don't make it a priority, you'll have to pay the price for a long time, and it will be expensive.
Drink water as soon as you wake up
To maintain your energy level, libido, mental clarity, and body function, try to drink at least 2-3 liters of water daily. The easiest way to do this is to buy a couple of bottles and fill them with water every night. This way, when you wake up the next day, you'll know exactly how much water you need to drink for the day.
Eat whole, high-quality foods
Eat quality foods that you can afford.
Don't eat processed foods that are designed to be addictive. You have to admit, there is a huge difference in terms of health between a high-quality, organic steak and a cheaply packaged, nitrate-laden sausage.
Improve your professional level
No matter what industry you are in or what stage of your career you are at, there is always a way to become better at what you do, to be a more important asset to people and the market. Remember that it's not about money or time, it's about value. Focus on what value you bring to the world and the rewards will follow.
Watch out for big expenses
After reading books on financial management that deal with mostly trivial issues, we try to implement these ideas, forgetting about the really important things. In particular, we save on the little things while buying clothes, watches, or cars, overpaying several times more than necessary simply because of the brand and the social status associated with it.
If you really want to make changes to your overall financial strategy, focus on the big wins. Are you going to have children? If so, how many? Are you renting or buying a home? How much space do you really need? How will you get around? Are you buying a car to drive or for prestige?
Life is short, we will all die someday. So don't spend it trying to impress people with superficial values and low self-esteem.
Invest automatically and regularly
Everyone knows that saving money is important, but few people do anything about it. And given that money problems are one of the biggest sources of stress, this issue matters.
If you're worried about how you'll pay your rent in a year, or whether you'll have enough money to retire by the time you're 70, it's time to get serious about your financial health.
One of the most effective financial hacks is to invest monthly (even if it's a small amount) in an automatically configured mode.
Automation is important here because if you have to do it consciously, the likelihood that you will have enough for a long time is low. On the contrary, if it happens by itself, you hardly notice that the money has left your account.
It is recommended to follow the "set it and forget it" principle when it comes to investment strategy. Learn how to get a reasonable return all the time, rather than spending time and effort actively managing your account to get a 2 percent return.
Auto-investing even $100 per month will allow you to accumulate a decent amount in 10-20 years. Start today because what is easy to do is easy not to do.
Make relationships with people a priority
Society encourages isolation. If you're lonely, you feel empty and fill it with impulsive purchases, overeating, and excessive consumption. And everything eventually ends in emotional burnout.
The way out of the impasse is to prioritize relationships with people, even if the world encourages you to do otherwise. At the same time, your choice must be absolutely conscious and backed up by actions.
If you are going "one hundred percent", you must be ready for it one hundred percent. The good, the bad, the messy, the chaotic, the heartbreakingly beautiful, the pain, the loss, and the joy. The first step is to simply say yes to this lifestyle, then fully embrace it and everything it entails.
Create and maintain a relationship habit
This weekly habit will depend on you, your goals, your temperament, what kind of relationships you primarily want to influence, and your lifestyle.
For example, you can:
- Have a dinner party with friends or family.
- Have a "get-together" with your partner.
- Plan an "hour" of fun with your partner or alone.
- Host or attend a weekly men's or women's group.
- Send a letter of appreciation to someone you care about.
Whatever it is, make your choice and be consistent.
They say that the world belongs to those who show up. So, this can be your way of showing up for those who are especially dear to you. And the rewards you get from this will only grow over time.
Say your gratitude out loud
The fact that we express our gratitude increases its value in our minds. Conversely, if we criticize, condemn, or curse something, it reduces its value. Therefore, it is necessary not only to consciously express gratitude to the people in your life, but also to say it out loud so that they know how you feel about them.
Call your parents and tell them how well they raised you. Tell your partner what you love most about them. Send a nice message to a friend.
Do it without any ulterior motive other than to feel good and spread love in the world.