How to quickly find a lost item in your home: 5 superstitions

In case you find yourself in a situation where you're trying to locate a lost item in your home, convinced that you know where it was left but it seems to have vanished, leading to frustration and a thorough search, SSPDaily has shared various superstitions that claim to help you quickly recover a lost item.
Thread of fate
Use a simple red or white thread. Tie it around the right leg of the kitchen table, making three knots while repeating the phrase "You played with the devil, give me my things back" three times. Supposedly, after this ritual, your lost item will appear in front of you surprisingly quickly.
Seeking help from house spirits
It is believed that if you throw a piece of bread into a corner, saying, "House, house, help me find it," this will invoke the assistance of house spirits and eventually lead to the recovery of the lost thing.
The inverted cup technique
Take a clean cup into the room where you suspect the lost item may be. Turn the cup over and place it on a surface, such as a table or chair. This method is said to guide you to the lost item or indicate where to look for it.
The sweeping ritual
Put on a robe and fasten it tightly with a belt. Armed with a broom, start sweeping the house. It is believed that this ritual will quickly lead you to the missing item.
Visualization technique
Do a visualization exercise focusing on the missing item. Imagine a silver thread stretching from you to the object. Mentally grasp it and imagine yourself gently pulling it.