The spiritual meaning behind a broken plate: superstitions and symbolism

To break a plate means to dive into analyzing events and your energy. Broken dishes sound different and and have different spiritual meanings. SSPDaily delves into the fascinating world of signs associated with broken plates and reveals their interpretations. From wealth to love and happiness to unhappiness, every crack on a plate is said to tell a story. We will tell you whether you should glue broken dishes, what to do with a broken plate and how to interpret a broken plate.

Which cultures consider a broken plate good luck
Spiritual knowledge is passed on to us by our ancestors through traditions and superstitions. Superstitions about broken plates or utensils are found in many cultures. To this day, Jews break dishes at weddings, and in Eastern cultures people break plates to release negative energy from the house or themselves. Breaking glass can have quite different meanings, but today we will explore the meaning of plates that are accidentally broken.
Greek Culture
Greeks, as well as Jews, consider a broken plate a good sign as it takes all negative energy on itself. The tradition of breaking more plates at a wedding is still common among Greeks today. Even a special set can be purchased for such an action.
Japanese culture
In Japan, it is believed that if a plate is broken accidentally, it means that it has taken on itself a part of the negative energy living around. Also, broken dishes symbolize the healing of the soul, taking on the negativity inside a person.
Unlike a broken mirror, a broken plate in Christianity is a sign of purification of the soul. It can also mean that you are facing events that will help you purify your soul and thoughts.
What psychologists say
Today there is even a psychotherapy technique when a couple is forced to break dishes in a closed room. Such action allows you to get rid of and ground the accumulated negative energy so that you can go further in solving family issues. If you accidentally broke a plate, then it is worth looking for internal anxieties that prevent you from being focused, according to psychologists.
The world of art
Cinema, theater or applied arts have their own view and superstitions associated with breaking plates. Thus, when the shooting of a new movie begins, the main participants of the process put their names and surnames on a new white plate and break it. Each takes a small shard and keeps it until the end of the process. Such a ritual is also found in the theater world.
Artists and craftsmen see the broken plate as an opportunity to create something new and beautiful. The Japanese art of kintsugi will be a prime example of how a new work of art is born from the shards. Kintsugi artists use precious metals (gold, silver and platinum) to endow the new object with good energy that brings happiness and good fortune.

When a broken plate means misfortune
A broken plate is often associated with anger, nervousness, rage and other negative emotions. If you feel that the broken plate has only taken a small part of the negative energy and the bulk of it is still bubbling up inside, this can be a direct path to misfortune and negative events. You don't want to keep it inside, but breaking all the dishes isn't a good option either. Find a way to get rid of the negativity without hurting anyone or anything.
If you cut yourself with a broken plate, it means that you are waiting for negative events that will affect you greatly and you need to be emotionally and energetically ready.
A broken plate can mean the end of a relationship, especially if you have long felt that they have exhausted themselves. Broken dishes can draw our attention to the moment that has arrived and remind us that there is nowhere else to go and we need to act.
While many of the omens associated with breaking plates are positive, this superstition has another dark side. If the plate is cracked or broken without any apparent reason, it is considered a bad omen. It is believed that this mysterious phenomenon portends bad luck and financial difficulties. It is a moment that can make anyone who encounters it think about it

Spiritual meanings
The spiritual meanings of a broken plate can vary from your personal situation, but the directions the broken dishware touches upon will help you pinpoint exactly why your favorite plate broke.
A break with the past
The ties that bind us to the past are sometimes so strong that the future is hard to reach. Objects conjure up associations and cause connections, so the tighter we hold on to objects from the past, the less there is of something new in our future. If your favorite plate is broken, it may be worth letting go of the association with it and reducing its symbolism so that you can move on with new thoughts. You will soon forget about this plate anyway.
The departure of negative energy
If you picture the word outburst as an open storm of emotion, there is another way. When emotions and thoughts are boiling inside, a plate can shatter in absolute silence, accidentally falling out of your hands. This object is able to charge up your energy and react to it, showing an example of what will happen to you if such emotions stay inside you for a long time.
Signs of change
The universe is always preparing us for drastic changes, we just don't realize it. Sometimes it's a butterfly flying in or an angel number encounter, and sometimes it's a broken plate that just has to draw your attention to reality. You have to see that the past will go away whether you want it to or not and the future will come and you have to prepare for it.
Facing abyss
If a plate is broken, it can mean that you are standing on the edge of an emotional abyss and that your negativity does not fit inside you and is spilling out. Only you can restore balance and harmony and only you can find a way to help yourself. Standing at the precipice is scary, but if you don't convince yourself to jump over it, stepping back will eventually lead to the same precipice.

What can affect the meaning of a broken plate
According to age-old superstitions and folk wisdom, the circumstances under which the plate broke play a crucial role in determining the meaning of the omen. Here are some of the most intriguing interpretations.
Breaking plates during a holiday
It is often believed that if a plate is broken during a holiday or festive gathering, it is a promising sign. This sign is said to portend positive changes in life, including a potential increase in wealth. Plates that are broken during joyous events can be seen as a symbol of good fortune shining on those present.
A plate broken on New Year's Eve
The change of the year is a time filled with hopes and aspirations. In this context, if a plate is broken on New Year's Eve or the first day of the New Year, it is traditionally seen as a sign of prosperity in the coming year.
A broken plate for an unmarried woman
For unmarried women, breaking a plate can have a special meaning. It is said that if an unmarried young woman breaks a plate, it portends that she will soon find herself in a happy marriage.
Honeymooners breaking a plate
Newlyweds also have superstitions about breaking plates. In fact, if a plate is broken in the hands of newlyweds, it is considered a positive sign for their marriage. A broken plate symbolizes a union that will be filled with happiness and harmony.
What to do with a broken plate - final words
If you broke a plate and do not know how to behave correctly, look at the experience of our ancestors, who left hints for every superstition.
- Collect the shards with a broom so that the negative energy does not end up in your hands again.
- Recite any protective prayer to calm your soul and neutralize the negativity.
- You can engage in the art of kintsugi if you are ready for good and positive thoughts.
- Let go of all your sorrows together with the plate.