What does it mean to hear the sound of an owl? Spiritual Meaning of the wise bird's hooting

Owls are among the most mystical of creatures. Their symbolism is backed up by their nocturnal lifestyle, incredibly sharp eyesight and flair. The owl is a wise bird, how do we know this? Why exactly are owls labeled in the mythology of many ancient peoples, where they are attributed special spiritual significance? Hearing the owl's hooting makes us a little wary. This is partly because owls are predators, partly because the reaction is unconditional and embedded in our genetics long ago. Having learned what importance our ancestors attached to the owl's hooting and having connected the spiritual meaning of the bird with the events of our lives, we can understand what the bird wanted to say with its hoot.

What do owls symbolize as spirit animals?
Owls are endowed with special "talents" so they are considered powerful spiritual beings. Their ability to move silently, to see clearly at long distances, to see in the dark, to hear every rustle for several dozen meters allowed scientists and observant ancient people to conclude about a very developed owl subconsciousness and intuition.
The symbolism of the owl is repelled by its skills:
- wisdom, intuition, and transformation – this is the spiritual meaning of the owl;
- protection and deterrence of bad events – the meaning of the owl that flew to you;
- big changes in your life that you need to accept – if you heard the owl's hoot.
But, if only it were that simple. To understand what it means to hear an owl hoot or see a hooting owl, let's unravel the spiritual meaning deeper.

The spiritual significance of the owl as a totem
Indians with the name "Wise Owl" were endowed with special skills that allowed them to reach leadership heights in their surroundings. Many of them were shamans and used the gift of their totem to connect with the spirit world, receiving help and clues.
The owl as a totem will share with you:
- Wisdom. The ability to concentrate, collect a lot of data to analyze and do not make hasty conclusions and actions, allowed to prove the wisdom of the owl. Turning to your totem remember that you already have all of his main qualities, it remains to skillfully use them. If you often hear the owl, listen, it is its message to you.
- Protection. The owl is a predator that easily navigates in the dark. People with the owl totem are endowed with courage, as the strong energy of the bird passes through you as well. Discovering the spiritual meaning of the owl – protection, you can understand its message to you. If you hear the owl's hooting, especially at night, it means that the wise animal warns you of the upcoming danger and asks you to be more attentive to details. Trust a spiritually strong animal to avoid adversity and turmoil.
- Clarity of Mind. Analytics is the key to an owl's survival. It is able to allocate it's resources and forces and decide to take action only when it is sure of a positive result. If you hear the owl's cry, especially during daylight hours, you are blessed with the right path and your case and decision will be successful. Do not hesitate, feel the power of the owl, and act decisively in the next few days.
- Ability to choose a partner. Owls will not respond to the call of a suitor until they are convinced that it will be fed. Such a process is by no means mercantile, it's just that the owl needs to be sure that the partner is worthy and will take care of it and the offspring. Owls are sensitive to the emotions and feelings of people, even capable of showing some of them towards people. If, when you are with your partner, you hear two owls hooting, you can be proud of your pair.
- A sense of need to transform. Owls are quick to learn new skills because they know their benefits. And even though their feelings are based on subconsciousness and reflexes, humans also often feel the need to change within themselves (development of the spirit). The owl totem will help you not to get stuck in such moments and quickly find the way to transformation. People who have heard the long owl sound should look inside themselves and realize if they are not stuck in a period of depression and dissatisfaction, and maybe now it is necessary to act on the path to harmony.

When the spiritual meaning of the owl is death
Do not be frightened, because the message of death owl carries not in a literal sense, do not confuse this bird with the owl. The owl's hoot can mean the way to the new and the death of the old. Hearing the owl standing "at the crossroads of life" should choose to move forward, even without knowing anything about this path. Past activities have outlived themselves and should go into oblivion, only a new path will lead you to success.
What it means to hear an owl near your house
There is no need to be afraid, she is unlikely to fly into your house. Owls are very careful in choosing a stopover or overnight stay. Their instincts help them choose exactly where it will be safest and food in large quantities of worms, mice, and others) – not smelling like a human home.
Be aware of the owl's ability to sense energy. The cry of an owl near your house means that there is good energy around and you are not in danger. At the same time, the bird's hooting should be intonation calm, and peaceful. If you hear the owl's shrill cry near your home, you should check the locks or the frying pan on the stove. The spiritual meaning of the owl is protection.

A dream with a screeching owl
The screech, screech or piercing hoot of an owl is clearly not a good thing. If you dream of a dream with a restless owl on the eve of an important decision, you should reconsider your actions and do not take unnecessary risks. Screaming owl in a dream means a warning. Communicating with you energetically owl speaks about your wrong assessment of the situation, in the morning it is necessary to reconsider the decision and actions.
A calmly hooting owl in a dream signifies the need to calm your fear, for you are on the right path.
What the ancestors say about the spiritual meanings of hearing an owl
The ancients based their conclusions on long observations of owls and intuition, which was developed in humans much more than now. Therefore, the knowledge of the ancestors is invaluable in understanding the spiritual world. It must be felt and understood with the soul.
Ancestors of the Greeks identified owls with the goddess of wisdom – Athena. As a sign of good luck, owls were released before significant battles. It was believed that the owl should provide spiritual protection for warriors and attract energy otherworldly flows for the benefit of the one who released it.
The ancestors of the Romans did not go far, in terms of understanding the spiritual significance of hearing an owl, from the Greeks. The wise bird was a personification of the goddess Minerva. If you read the Roman story of the assassination of Julius Caesar, it is clear that the Romans associated the bird with death. Knowing that the owl symbolizes protection, we can interpret this story in a different way. The cry of the owl was not an omen of the emperor's demise, the owl flew to warn of danger.
Indians (ancestors of Americans) are great admirers of communicating with the world of spirits and personifying themselves with animals. Noticing that owls especially often hoot at dawn or dusk, Indians came to the conclusion that the bird is associated with the transition from one world to another, otherworldly to earthly. The nocturnal lifestyle of owls frightened the tribes and they were sure that the owl's hooting meant misfortune and even death. Shamans in the tribes wore owl feathers and used them in rituals, on the totems standing in the settlement of Indians can be seen carved face of an owl – all this meant that the owl for the Indians was a very powerful spiritual animal and it was endowed with special powers.
The ancestors of the Irish (Celts) were also wary of the owl skillfully camouflaged in the villages. To hear an owl at night was considered a mortal danger or death. The Celts believed that owls were associated with witches and sorcerers. Isn't that where J.K. Rowling got the idea for the Harry Potter story? The Celts noticed that owls frequented cemeteries, so its cry carried imminent death. Most likely in cemeteries just have something to eat, because the birds are scavengers and a lot of worms for offspring.
The Maya considered the owl as a symbol of death and a messenger of hell. Also seeing an owl Maya thought that it is someone's soul can not find peace and is looking for someone to take with them. It's more fun with two, isn't it?
Ancient Chinese cultures had a two-fold view. If an elderly person heard an owl hooting, it was believed that they could be preparing a grave for themselves. By the same token, owls were often placed in homes because it was believed that owls could banish all negative energy.

Meaning of owl in religions
Religions are based mainly on faith and light, the path to higher harmony and power. Whatever happens in life is the path of your soul.
Hinduism has come to the conclusion that the owl is a symbol of wealth. That's not a bad thing. So, if you lean towards Hinduism and hear an owl – you are in for a boost in finances. It's the rich "clothes" of owls. Their feathers are always cleaned and whipped, like a feather pillow. Hearing the cry of an owl, adherents of Hinduism raised their hands to the sky and fell to the ground in a bow of good news.
In Christianity, the spiritual significance of the owl is much more prosaic. Based on the writing of Jeremiah, owls were considered a symbol of loneliness, sadness, and inner emptiness. This proves that the spiritual meaning of the owl is a transformation of the correct meaning. Sensing your inner torment the owl will fly in to remind you that only you can help yourself out of apathy: with thoughts, decisions, and actions.
What science says about owls
Scientists believe that owls defend their territory by hooting. Birds also use their ears to get acquainted and establish a connection with a partner. Winged creatures communicate through cries and sounds, and not always with humans.
When you hear an owl, what could it mean?
Focus on your sensations, translating them into thoughts. This is what ancestors did, receiving additional life energy and messages from the natural world. We are all connected because we are endowed with a soul. Our souls can communicate, help, and harm each other. The animal world is ingenuous, it lives by wild laws but has no meanness and betrayals. Therefore, it is sometimes easier to trust animals than people. If an owl flew to you, listen to it and try to understand it withyour soul.