The spiritual meaning and symbolism of the swan. The significance of meeting with a totem animal

The spiritual meanings and symbolism of the swan animal go back to the time of our ancestors and are built on the way of life of the beautiful and elegant creatures. "Swan song", "swan love", and "swan loyalty" all speak of the highly spiritual ways of swans. Today, let's learn the significance of meeting a swan and its powerful capabilities as a totem animal.

What swans symbolize
Most of the symbolic meanings of swans are built on love and loyalty, exemplified by these snow-white creatures. Delving into works of art such as Wagner's famous opera "Lohengrin", andTchaikovsky's "Swan Lake", in fairy tales about swans or Greek mythology, it is not difficult to realize that the swan means not the usual love, but is a symbol of:
- of overcoming obstacles for love;
- undeniable pure spiritual beauty;
- fidelity to ideals and goals;
- protection of loved ones;
- transformation and transfiguration;
- psychic abilities;
- partnership;
- intimacy of relationships.
The name of the animal Swan was used by Anglo-Saxaxons as a name for a girl whose beauty and elegance wanted to emphasize. Sister Lybed is the heroine of the legend of the creation of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. Greek legends claim that the gods Apollo and Aphrodite honored beautiful birds. The list can go on, but it leads to one thing: swans are and have been considered powerful spiritual animals and their killing is punishable by law in many countries.

The spiritual significance of meeting a swan
Not all spiritual meanings of meeting a swan are about love and relationships, but many are. When you see a swan or swans the soul overflows with hope and faith that even helps you heal, evolve, and attain wisdom. The deep inner strength of these beautiful birds represents balance and harmony, which can also come into your life if you see a swan. What it means to see a swan in our detailed list.
Love and relationships
Swans are a symbol of love on many continents, with their entwined necks depicted on wedding cakes and invitations. To give your other half a pair of swans is to swear eternal loyalty and devotion. If you meet a pair of swans on the water, or on a walk with your beloved, it means that there is harmony and balance in your couple, necessary for a healthy relationship. For singles, a meeting with two swans can mean a quick meeting with your other half. The spiritual meaning of a swan is the entwining of two soul mates. If you see a swan on a lake and it swims towards you, expect new friendships to enter your life very soon. Swans signify a true partnership and very deep sincere feelings between two people.
Elegance and beauty (transformations)
If you have seen a swan and the swan in turn tries to contact you, perhaps this indicates a high spiritual development that allows you to spread special vibrations. At this stage of wisdom, one becomes very attractive, one's energy is pure, which attracts other energies and allows other living beings to see your inner beauty and elegance.
Swans are graceful and fluid in their movements, you may be on the same inner wave of harmony and connect energetically. Also, meeting a swan can be interpreted as the arrival in your life of powerful challenges that should lead to a leap of spiritual transformation. The swan has come to make you ready mentally and energetically.
Revive the spirit
If you encounter a swan during your period of dissatisfaction with life and confusion, it is worth accepting the encouragement of the snow-white bird and becoming stronger in your faith. Swans are not born beautiful, they become so. The story of the "ugly duckling" illustrates this wonderfully. If a swan comes to you during a period of self-doubt, it means that you need support to continue your journey. You will succeed, you just need to show a little patience and self-love.
Motherly feelings
To see a swan with its offspring means you are connecting with your mother or children. Swans caring for their babies gives an example of devoted motherhood, where there is unconditional trust and all-encompassing protection. Maybe someone close to you needs your help and you need to give it to become wiser and fuller.
Heavenly Message
Swans are birds and their message to you may be completely heavenly. You may have recently lost a loved one and their soul has returned to you. To comfort and be together a little longer. If a swan is flapping its wings at you, it means you are under heavenly protection and should be bolder in making drastic decisions in life.
If you are pecked by a swan or your appearance causes the bird to hiss, you should take a closer look at your surroundings. An aggressive swan could be a warning that you should be on your guard. Such a spiritual meaning is likely, especially if you see a black swan. The psychic abilities of swans that gossip in your ear are nothing more than a developed sixth sense and the swan senses you energetically, like an x-ray. If your thoughts are not pure or you are involved in deception, the swan may pounce on you, warning you that it will not end well for you.

The deeper meaning of the black swan
"Black swans don't exist" was the thought until 1697. Since then, the phrase has taken on a slightly different meaning and significance. You can delve deeper into Taleb's theory to realize the point, but in brief, the black swan is quite rare, as are the spiritual meanings it brings "on its wings." Black swans symbolize the mystery and mystery of the universe.
If you are lucky enough to see a black swan, it means that in your life will soon happen some decisive event, bad or good you can determine intuitively, but it is sure to radically turn your way.
The appearance of a black swan in your visions and dreams can mean a direct approaching threat. It is worth being on guard and concentrating all your senses and sensations. A catastrophe usually comes when you anticipate it, but the appearance of a black swan can mean a completely unforeseen turn of events.

What does a dream about a swan mean
Our fantasies, emotions, and experiences sometimes draw quite fantastic pictures in dreams. The meaning of a dream about swans can be interpreted depending on the color of the bird and your feelings about it.
- If you dreamed of a white swan, your dreams and dreams are quite real. The spiritual meaning of a white swan in a dream is good luck and prosperity in any area of your life. Allow circumstances to enter your life to bring you to your desired outcome.
- To see a black swan in a dream means to be wary of events and your own state of mind. The threat may be both external and internal.
- To see a dead swan in a dream means the end of something good and entering a period of disappointment and mental torment. Sometimes it is to sickness or, even, literal death. In order not to wallow in problems and mental anguish, remember that the bad period is sure to be replaced by a good one. Your anguish is given to make the right conclusions and learn to cope with adversity, becoming wiser and more harmonious.
- To see in a dream a swan with swans or eggs means that soon something in your life will multiply. It can be both financial sphere and additions to the family.
- If you dream of a yellow, red, or other color swan, it is worth concentrating on the sensations in the dream, which causes the color itself: it alarms, delights, and likes or disgusts. With the help of a little meditation, you will definitely uncover the secret and clue of your swan.

Swan as a totem animal – meaning
If you find that your spirit animal is a swan, perhaps the realization of your abilities and powers has already come to you. Those born under the Swan totem can sense illnesses, both spiritual and physical, and heal them. It may seem to you that the events you thought about and anticipated are happening around you - this is the providence of the swan. Up to a certain time, people with a totem swan are quite sociable, but they are often visited by the desire to be alone with themselves, and as spiritual development, such a desire becomes more frequent. Height, silence, and freedom may beckon you, and elegant beautiful things will attract your gaze. You love spectacles that plumb the depths of your soul and colorful trinkets that fill your shelves.
Your partner must have the same high values in a relationship as you do, otherwise, love will become a lesson that is meant to teach you how to sense people and not let just liked passersby into your life. Family for a person with the Swan totem comes first and he expects reciprocity. The universe's most painful lessons can be about breaking trust and energetic connection. You must get stronger to spread your wings and rise to the horizons of wisdom and harmony. Love and companionship can help you through difficult times and fill you up, don't seclude or shut yourself away if you feel disharmony. Your inner swan can help you believe in a bright future, even in the most difficult situations. Trust your totem animal Swan and keep in touch with it by feeling the beauty and elegance within.

Swan stories of our ancestors
Many cultures have honored swans and considered them spiritually powerful animals with the ability to see into the future.
Native Americans
Our ancestors believed that the feathers of swans gave special powers, just like white owls, swans were considered magical sages and spiritual messengers. In some tribes, legends told of a swan maiden who was chaste and pure. Others believed swans to be the souls of shamans who shared their spiritual wisdom from settlement to graying.
The significance of the swan in Christianity has to do with the purity of the spirit or its purification. The swan symbolized the soul of Jesus who through suffering and sacrifice came to the highest and all-encompassing love. The Old Testament forbade the use of the bird for food. Black swans were considered unclean and spiritually defiled.
Celtic artifacts indicate that swans were considered deeply spiritual animals with which to contact the spirit world. According to legend, spirits could reincarnate into swans, but to walk the Earth they had to travel in pairs, which is why swan alliances are so strong. The Irish famous story of the Children of Lear tells of the ruinous jealousy that destroyed the family and happiness in the home.
Spiritual significance of a swan tattoo
If you see a person with a swan tattoo or want one yourself, remember that the symbolism and meaning of the swan is an all-encompassing love that can overcome obstacles, and keep faith and fortitude. Swan tattoos are made to emphasize their grace and good intentions to this world.
Swan tattoo can carry both the general meaning of love, and completely individual. For example, you can associate the image of a swan on your body with a particular person and intensify your feelings towards him.
If you want to strengthen the connection with the totem animal swan and expand its influence on you it is worth immortalizing the bird on your body.